Dyslexia Intervention

Growing up with Dyslexia can be a long and difficult journey.  Our Dyslexia specialists are here to light the path. For children with Dyslexia, the top priority is establishing proficiency with basic reading and spelling skills. First, they learn to
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PEERSⓇ Social Skills Groups

Social skills development  is one of the greatest areas of need among neurodiverse teens  and yet the most difficult to get right. Most social skills therapy groups are run with good intentions  but without empirically validated methods. PEERSⓇ is different.
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Auditory Processing Therapy

Lots of kids get diagnosed with Auditory Processing Disorder but few families find real treatment. Let’s change that. The APD PowerUP Program is a 12-week course of individualized intervention rooted in the most current research on effective techniques for improving
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Speech-Language Therapy

Speech and language skills have a huge impact on the lives of kids and teens.  Whether it be pronouncing words correctly, speaking fluidly, putting thoughts into words, or understanding what words mean, communication challenges can make socializing with peers and
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